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The Nutella Story

I studied abroad in Florence, Italy when I was 18.

My best friend and I shared a 1-bedroom apartment with a balcony, and an incredible view of the Duomo.

It was one of the most exciting times of my life.

I was exploring a new city overflowing with Renaissance architecture, beautiful food, and incredible people, just as I was coming into adulthood.

At the same time, I was deeply struggling with food and my body.

Not 100% of the time, but a lot of the time.

I’ve always been someone who holds a lot of different elements at once.

Trauma processing and pure bliss, relishing food then quickly resenting it, loving my body and hating her in the same breath.

Maybe you’re similar in your dualities and multiplicities – a lot of us are.

My bestie and I shared groceries sometimes, and one week we bought a jar of Nutella and I ate the entire thing in 1-2 days.

She innocently asked me where it went.

I completely played dumb. Literally.

I said I didn’t know where it went.

That it must’ve been our friend who came over (no one had been over).

Yes, seriously. With my best friend.

In retrospect, this instance is one of the most potent reflections of the deep shame I felt around food and my body.

Of course, it’s not a big deal – it’s a jar of Nutella.

What strikes me is the energy surrounding my response – the hiding, the denying – but it doesn’t surprise me.

Because we are taught to be ashamed of overeating

… and personally, like a lot of people who grew up around the same time as me, I picked up the idea that I should be deeply ashamed of my body if I was any larger than a size 2.

As a kid, I had a strong appetite and would often eat beyond comfort.

As a teenager and very young adult, I struggled with restriction, overeating, binging, and more disordered behavior.

Today, I never overeat. I’ve lost the ability.

I have no desire to overeat.

My weight has been about the same for years…

I feel good in my body and clothes…

I’ve felt good with the romantic partners I’ve had since healing about 8 years ago…

… and I’ve been coaching women on these very things for the past 10 years, receiving fantastic testimonials from them.

If you’re struggling with overeating today, I want to invite you to join me for Satisfied, my upcoming master class where you’ll learn how to heal overeating, for good.

>> Get the details + read testimonials + sign up here, if you’re feeling called.

This master class is for women who are ready to feel comfortable in their bodies, drop the restrict-overeat cycle, and heal their relationship with food through intuitive eating and holistic nutrition.

If you’re ready to never feel uncomfortable again after a meal, or have it be a rare thing, I would love to see you inside Satisfied. I created it for you.

Sending you tons of love, wherever you are on your path today!


P.S. I did take a break from Nutella, for quite some time, as part of my healing process.

Today I eat it when I want it, and even from the jar sometimes. But I never overeat it or feel sick afterward. This was a process!

In the Satisfied masterclass, you won’t be getting “think your way out of it” only, or a quick fix.

You’ll learn a specific, customizable framework you can apply to yourself, so you can heal overeating and discomfort for good – not just temporarily.

If you want this, sign up here.

Photo: Rodolfo De Jesus David


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