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The Power of Permission

Giving yourself permission to rest as much as you need to often removes the desire for excessive sleep or “laziness.”

Giving yourself permission to eat whatever you want, in any amount you want, often removes the desire to overeat or eat foods that don’t work for your body.

Giving yourself permission to do nothing often sparks creativity and movement.

Giving yourself permission to take a break from exercise often makes you realize how much you naturally crave it.

Giving yourself permission to say no to misaligned work leaves more space and creativity for aligned work to flow in.

It’s in the resistance, in the “should,” in the “have to” that self-sabotage manifests.

That overeating manifests.

That lethargy manifests.

That stagnation takes hold.

Like the child who rebels against “no,” when we pressure, shame, and should ourselves, the body rebels.

The subconscious rebels.

Self-sabotage seeps in.

But when you allow yourself to truly be human…

When you allow both “yes” and “no” to be neutral, action and rest to be equally productive…

When you give yourself the benefit of the doubt…

When you stop pushing, forcing, and demanding…

… your spirit can thrive.

Your natural drive comes through.

Your native curiosity, excitement, and energy return.

Because you are moving from a place of love and genuine desire, rather than fear and shame.

While fear and shame will make us wilt, love has been shown to make flowers and houseplants thrive, and we are just the same.

Much love,


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  1. Thank you for sharing this. I’ve been really hard on myself for not being where I think I SHOULD be in my healing journey, for not having accomplished more or figured things out, or stopped X or started Y, and on and on and on. This message was a good reminder that in trying to force myself along a path I’m not prepared and/or willing to make yet, I’m setting myself up for self-saboutage, frustration and a much longer journey. Thank you for sharing your message.