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The Reason “Buckling Down” Usually Backfires

There was this mind-blowing food study done on healthy soldiers who had never dieted, included in the OG Intuitive Eating book.

Long story short: After beginning to restrict and control their food, the test group developed a preoccupation with food.

They began thinking about it and dreaming about it all the time, to the point of obsession.

Many of them gained weight and developed mental and physical health issues.

We’re told over and over again that we need to buckle down and finally, FINALLY *just* stop eating gluten or sugar.

These external voices telling you to buckle down – the media, your mom, whoever – quickly become the voice in your head.

But multiple studies have proven that diets lead to weight gain, and cause new health issues.

So what’s the solution?

> Return to your natural state of intuitive eating.

> Learn the foods that work best for you, most of the time.

We’ll be diving into the precise physical steps to take and energetic shifts to make to master intuitive eating in my upcoming master class, the Mechanics of Intuitive Eating.

>> Get the details and sign up here.

I am SO SO over-the-moon-excited to share this with you.

I’ve been coaching women on intuitive eating and nutrition for a decade, and I consistently get the most beautiful feedback on how my process has changed their lives.

I’m incredibly excited to step into a format where I can share these teachings with more people: On Zoom, in a live group.

I am here to serve, and I am here to show that there’s a different way.

And it’s not “my way.”

Each client’s journey looks different.

While the core principles apply to everyone, this is about returning to self-trust and creating your own path using the tools I share.

A path that doesn’t involve restriction, control, or “buckling down.”

Not because you can’t do those things. I know you can.

But because those things don’t work long-term. And not only do they “not work,” they backfire.

They create way more issues than you had before you began restricting.

Willpower is exhaustible – we cannot rely on it.

When you master intuitive eating, your energy compounds. Your weight calibrates. Your emotions balance out.

You’re working with yourself instead of constantly trying to control yourself and fight your instincts.

And it is SO much easier, phew.

If this is speaking to you, I would LOVE to see you inside the Mechanics of Intuitive Eating master class.

>> All the details are here.

If you can’t make it live next week, you’ll receive a recording which you’ll have lifetime access to.

I’m closing enrollment next Tuesday, 2/23 at midnight EST, so I can prepare the energetic container for the beautiful humans who have said yes.

If you have any questions at all, comment below.

With so much love,


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