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What Happened When I Ignored My Intuition

When you try to override your intuition, your body talks back.

The job with the amazing paycheck in the coolest city…

… but it would mean sacrificing your time and location freedom, which are fundamental to you.

The partner who is so much of what you want, so much that it aches…

… but there is no soul recognition. You are not being met in your depths.

The diet that seems perfect, with the testimonials that sound JUST like you…

… but you feel like sh*t whenever you try to follow it.

Our intellect tries to talk us into these things, to keep us safe.

On the traditional path.


Its intentions are mostly innocent.

But your intellect cannot override your intuition.

Because your intuition – your subconscious, your body – knows things your mind hasn’t caught up with yet.

The body knows before the mind.

When we notice a dark alleyway or suspicious stranger, we don’t do a conscious analysis.

We’re not sitting there intellectualizing.

We’re moving.

Our bodies are moving.


Body language shifts.

We may cross the street.

Or even run. Scream.

These responses are of the body, of the intuition – not the intellect.

When you try to override your intuition, your body talks back — chest pains, anxiety, rashes, fatigue.

These are all symptoms I’ve experienced when I tried to override my intuition.

When we return to our souls, to our freedom, these symptoms often lift, sometimes immediately.

Are you trying to override your intuition in some way right now?

Take this as a sign to come back home to yourself. To your truth.


P.S. Ready to strengthen your food intuition?

Click here to sign up for the Mechanics of Intuitive Eating master class.


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