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What Intuitive Eating Is – and What It’s Not

You cannot spend the rest of your life eating kale and grilled chicken while avoiding gluten and dairy.

When you constantly try to control what you eat, you enter a danger zone, because you’re much more likely to want to binge… then you beat yourself up, and the cycle continues.

You end up never feeling GREAT in your body, or at peace with food.

You’re setting yourself up for failure by trying to be “perfect” at every meal… and repressing your desire to be a little bad, which is perfectly healthy and necessary.

We all want to be that person who LOVES food and enjoys all the best cheese, bread, and desserts, but just naturally doesn’t overeat.

And those are usually the healthiest people.

The ones who feel great in their bodies and don’t obsess over food.

Little kids (and animals) are naturally that in tune.

If a kid eats a bunch of candy on Halloween, they get a stomach ache, learn their lesson, and probably won’t eat THAT much candy for a while.

Intuitive eating is…

1. Always knowing what and how much to eat, without overthinking or obsessing. You know what works for your body and you give yourself freedom.

2. You can have ANY type and quantity of food in front of you and only eat what you genuinely want.

3. When you do eat more or differently than what feels good, you don’t beat yourself up. You have unconditional love for yourself.

Intuitive eating is NOT…

1. Only eating when you’re absolutely 100% hungry.

2. Constantly eating pizza, pasta, and ice cream because your intuition told you to.

3. “Only craving kale salads” …all the time.

4. Spending hours questioning your food choices.

5. Beating yourself up when you think you might’ve gotten it “wrong.”

When you master intuitive eating, you bring your body back into homeostasis… because you’re eating the foods that work for YOU.

Chronic issues like…

  • Indigestion
  • Bloating
  • Jawline acne
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Brain fog
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Low sex drive

… fall away, and you just feel like you. Light, clear-headed, and calm.

This is what we do in ACTIVATE, my 6-month health coaching program for exhausted emotional eaters who want to master intuitive eating.

ACTIVATE is where you…

1. Break the diet cycle.
2. Master unconditional self-love.
3. Get your metabolism back.
4. Feel really good in your body.

Originally, I was going to close the doors tonight, but I’ve been LITERALLY in bed for a week with dengue fever, so I’m leaving them open until next Friday.

There is ONE spot left, and then my private coaching is full for the time being.

If you know you’re meant to do this work now, sign up for a free intro session here.

Much love,


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