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What Triggers Overeating?

Have you ever turned a sad song off because you didn’t want to cry?

Picked a different movie because the one your partner wanted to watch had a dark ending?

Avoided a conversation because it could cause conflict?

I used to do all of the above. I was so scared to feel all my emotions.

I thought that having negative emotions meant I was bad or blemished.

Suppressing my emotions was a big root cause of my overeating, undereating, and binging – usually in that order.

Today, I am completely recovered – I never engage in any of those behaviors anymore.

>> In Satisfied, my upcoming master class on overeating, I’m sharing my process to overcome overeating with practical tools you can start implementing right away.

Today, my emotional intelligence is much higher.

I know it’s safe to feel my full range of emotions.

A lot of people feel like if they start crying they’ll never stop…

If they allow themselves to feel sad they’ll never feel happy again…

If they allow themselves to get angry, they’ll get stuck in that state…

It’s the opposite.

When we allow our emotions to fully come up, be felt to completion, and released, we can move to a higher emotional state quite quickly.

When we allow our emotions to be named and processed, there’s no longer the impulse to overeat or undereat – or it’s a rare thing.

When emotions are processed, we’re left with our pure intuition, and we feel aligned with certain foods at certain times.

All the programming is stripped away and there’s just you and food, without the heaviness and confusion caused by suppressed emotions.

Everyone feels anxious, sad, or stuck at some point in their lives, to some degree, for some amount of time.

It’s safe to feel this way. It’s safe to be with the emotions.

It’s safe to get holistic help. It’s safe to get clinical help.

This is all part of the human experience.

When we feel all our emotions and get the support we need, we no longer look to food to soothe ourselves.

What’s your relationship with your full range of emotions, especially the “negative” ones?

I’d love to hear from you below.

Are you coming to Satisfied?! I’m getting so excited!

Hope to see you.

With love,


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