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Why I Don’t Believe In Luck

I don’t have an easy relationship with food and my body because I’m lucky.

I don’t live on the beach in the South Caribbean because I’m lucky.

I don’t work part-time, online, and earn more than some of my previous full-time, in-person positions because I’m lucky.

I don’t travel to new countries because I’m lucky.

I don’t have spa days and eat at incredible restaurants because I’m lucky.

In fact, I don’t believe in luck.

When we create incredible lives and do incredible things, I believe other factors are at play, but not luck.

Luck feels hollow, fragile, and all about chance.

A way for people to justify another’s success, so they don’t feel less-than.

A way to downplay our own agency – our ability to move mountains and create measurable change in our lives.

Let’s look at the definition of luck…


1. success or failure apparently brought by chance rather than through one’s own actions.

I haven’t healed my relationship with food and my body and created a jaw-dropping life because I’m lucky.

I’ve created all this because I’ve been willing to open doors.

Heavy doors.

Scary doors.

Doors that make me want to run in the other direction and hide under the covers.

Doors that say “The problem is you – and the solution is you.”

We are the common denominator in every situation in our lives.

Not everything starts with us – patterns can be inherited – but we have the agency to change these patterns.

They can end with us.

When I was willing to open these doors, I started to appear “luckier and luckier.”

The photos on my Instagram changed.

Instead of city scenes, beaches and palm trees filled up my grid.

My whole lifestyle changed.

Instead of going to bed double and triple checking my alarm clock in fear that I’d oversleep, I went to bed knowing I could sleep until my body was ready to wake up.

I woke up relaxed, went to the beach, worked for a few hours, then went out for an incredible dinner.

My nervous system began to regulate.

I reached a deeper state of self-love within my body, even though I had healed the majority of my disordered behavior by this time.

There’s always a deeper level of integration, and a deeper level of bliss.

I went from a hustling city girl, working three jobs, to a laid-back beach girl who could work when she wanted to, and earn as much as she desired.

A day could be spent biking down the Caribbean coast, rather than running up subway stairs and rushing through city streets.

A lot of people think, “Wow, she’s so lucky.”

Many people look at my life and assume I’m very privileged.

Although I do have some level of privilege, as a white woman from the United States, it’s a lot less than many people think.

I started working when I was 11, and was largely independent from the time I was 18.

There was a level of uncertainty and just making it happen, working in restaurants in New York for years, then 9-5.

I’ve always been able to attract work, but survival mode was pretty hardwired in my system.

Shifting into a state of thriving has been an ongoing process with a lot of nuance, but I can tell you one thing for sure:

Nothing has been up to chance  – it’s all been up to me.

If it’s not luck that shapes our lives, what is it?

While I don’t believe in luck, I absolutely believe there are factors that influence what happens in our lives, and steps we can take to shape our lives in the way we desire.

To create lives that make us look very “lucky,” when really, there are different factors at play.

These factors are integrity, alignment, receptivity, and synchronicity.

How can you cultivate these qualities, and set yourself up to create what you want in your life?

1. Integrity.

When we are honest and true to our morals, we become magnets.

Grounded, golden magnets.

We effortlessly attract what’s meant for us, and repel anything that’s not genuine – and we can sense it from a mile away.

Dishonesty dissolves in our presence.

Living in integrity means staying true to yourself and saying “no thank you” to anyone and anything that does not feel true, that does not feel genuine.

When we live in integrity, we create good karma.

We attract people and things that are in integrity, and that can help us create what we desire.

When we’re in integrity, other people want to help us, and the Universe itself aligns to support us.

This can look a lot like luck, when it’s actually something deeper, and something we can consciously create.

2. Alignment.

When I was struggling with disordered eating and had a tumultuous relationship with my body, I was not living in alignment with myself.

I was not living in alignment with my biology.

By restricting, overeating, and purging, I was breaking down my biology, creating an acidic environment in my cells.

Rather than listening to my body and honoring my needs, I was trying desperately to control myself, to fight my natural instincts.

That takes a lot of energy.

Other people can sense when you’re drained.

The Universe can sense when you’re drained, and will stop sending you opportunities, because you don’t have the energy for them.

When I began to honor my body through intuitive eating, I freed up a tremendous amount of energy.

I created the energy to open those heavy doors.

I was able to finally quit my job, leave my apartment, and leave the city my nervous system knew as home.

When I began to live in alignment with my body, I had more energy and therefore the space for “lucky” opportunities.

Stress left, while big clients and international moves swooshed in.

3. Receptivity.

When I was working 9-5 in an office and trying to control my body through food (not exactly at the same time), I didn’t have a lot of space to be receptive.

To notice the opportunities around me, and create new ones.

I was so focused on controlling my body and pumping out creative content within the frame of an 8-hour workday, sitting at a desk, that I felt robotic at times.

When we’re robotic, we’re going through the motions, rather than following our intuition and staying receptive to the signals the Universe is sending us.

When I healed my disordered eating, and again when I began working for myself, I created a lot more space, freedom, and energy to be receptive.

To attract and receive new opportunities.

To notice little winks and clues from the Universe – and follow them.

When we’re open and receptive – in our feminine energy, rather than rushing through the motions and pushing through the day – our lives begin to look very “lucky.”

4. Synchronicity.

When we’re in the space of integrity, alignment, and receptivity, we’re much more likely to experience synchronicity: meaningful, “coincidental” events that seem to have no cause.

As a city girl I was present in my life, but I didn’t have nearly as much space and energy as I do now to attract and notice synchronicity.

Now, synchronicity shows up everywhere:

The perfect apartment at the last minute, a big new client after deciding I’m ready for it, a dating app match far outside my range who winds up being an incredible human.

When we release control and relax into the flow of life, synchronicity is a normal, everyday occurrence. We can think of what we want and manifest it.

This can look a lot like luck, but it’s actually not by chance – we create it.

Every day I take specific, conscious steps to cultivate these four factors.

I prioritize my rest.

I meditate.

I listen to my body and give her the foods she needs.

I say no to people and opportunities that aren’t right for me, and much more. 

“Luck” comes down to conscious living.


Being, rather than doing.

Attracting more than we hustle, and loving more than we judge.

Do you believe in luck?

What have been the biggest factors in your “luckiest” moments?

I’d love to hear from you in the comments below.



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