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Why Incomplete Self-Love Drains Your Energy

The women’s magazines I used to read as a teenager had some twisted tips on self-love.

They’d tell you to find a body part you love and emphasize it through your clothes, while hiding the areas you don’t like.

You’d hear women talking about how they finally discovered they LOVE their ankles, or their collarbone… and they’d get dressed with the intention of hiding everything else behind a mumu.

That is some shadowy sh*t.

Cover your tummy with a “flowy” top.

Have short legs? Wear high-waisted pants.

Big hips? A-line skirt and fitted top.

Let’s talk about why this doesn’t work, and why it drains your energy.

Dressing yourself with the intention of concealing certain body parts triggers and intensifies body shame, leading you to develop an incomplete sense of self-love.

There’s nothing wrong with flaunting your favorite features, but the mental frame of trying to “hide what you don’t like” will always make you feel bad about yourself, and zap your energy.

Mental stress is a much more prevalent issue than external stress, for most people in the modern world. It’s one of our biggest energy drains.

The pressure we put on ourselves to look perfect and be perfect activates the stressed, sympathetic nervous system, leading us to hang on to body fat for protection.

Almost every health condition is connected to stress, too.

What’s the antidote?

How can you drop mental stress, embody complete self-love, and get your energy back?

Integrate these words, and the following practice…

All parts of you are acceptable and worthy of being seen and celebrated.

All parts of you deserve love and appreciation… especially the ones you have a hard time loving.

When you start loving the parts you find the most unacceptable, your body relaxes.

She is safe.

And when she is relaxed and safe, she calibrates to optimal health, including any weight shifts that want to happen.

You’re a whole person, and all of you deserves love and attention.

You’re not a set of parts that needs to be managed, downplayed, or emphasized.

Love all of you now: Place your hands on the part of your body you struggle with the most. Send unconditional love, acceptance, and gratitude to her, mentally and energetically.

If you have a significant other, let them touch the body part you’re always trying to hide or shrink. Breathe. If they don’t celebrate all of you, they don’t deserve any of you.

Wear whatever you want, and allow your body to relax, whether you’re sitting, standing, or laying down.

I know this is challenging sometimes.

It’s a daily practice.

When you strengthen this muscle and develop complete, integrated self-love as your default, your chemistry shifts.

Truly liking, loving, and approving of all aspects of yourself relaxes your nervous system and allows you to release anything that’s not you – including weight.

Whether you’re having a “good” or “bad” body day, let all of you be loved, seen, and accepted. Starting with loving, seeing, and accepting yourself.

And watch your health and body shift into alignment.

If you’re ready for support with this, I have space for one more client in ACTIVATE.

This is my 6-month health coaching program for women who want to master intuitive eating without giving up their health and body goals.

Through ACTIVATE you…

1. Break the diet cycle.
2. Develop unconditional self-love.
3. Learn which foods work for you.
4. Rewire old mental + energetic patterns.
5. Get your metabolism back.
6. Feel really good in your body.

If this is speaking to you, click here to schedule a free intro session.

Doors close Friday, 8/14.

With so much love,


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