• The 10 Biggest Misconceptions About Intuitive Eating

    I posted a series of intuitive eating polls on my Instagram story, and the responses surprised me. Many of them reflected misunderstandings about what intuitive eating really is, so I want to clear the record. Let’s dive into the 10 biggest misconceptions about intuitive eating, and what intuitive eating is really about…   Misconception #1: […]


  • What’s More Important: What You Eat or How You Eat?

    Most of the wellness industry talks about WHAT you should eat: Fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, healthy fats, slow carbs. Very few people talk about HOW to eat: The mechanics and emotions behind how you nourish yourself. Which is more important: What you eat, or how you eat? Hands down, how you eat. If you white […]


  • Finding The One I Was Always Looking For

    I was always searching for the one. The one way of eating I could follow forever. The one exercise regimen that would “fix” everything. The one career that would be forever-satisfying. What I found after years of searching is that I am the one. Everything else is flexible. Your super power lies in your ability […]