• Should You Always Be “High Vibe”?

    Sharing something “low vibe” doesn’t bring others down – but stifling your truth can. I know because I used to do it, and I could feel the uneasiness in others. I was scared to share the heavier aspects of what was going on in my life, for fear of being rejected, seen as “negative”, or […]


  • Do You Need To Eat More Vegetables?

    Unpopular opinion: It’s not that important to eat tons of vegetables all the time. Not if you’re tight about it. Militant. Not if you feel shame when you eat real pasta instead of zucchini or f•cking cauliflower. Your freedom is more important. Your pleasure is more important. Your ease, your playfulness… are more important than […]


  • How To Be An Intuitive Eater When You Have Food Sensitivities

    A student from the Mechanics of Intuitive Eating master class emailed me to say she loved the class and got a lot out of it, but had a big question… How can I really be an intuitive eater when I have food sensitivities and allergies? Honoring your sensitivities and allergies is a huge part of […]