I used to be so scared of my hunger, especially if I was hungrier than usual one day.
I would think it was SO strange, and I would try to figure out WHY.
I would get worried that I’d never feel satisfied, that this was the beginning of eating more all the time, and that I would gain weight.
Because I was plugged into a restrictive mentality, even when I was no longer “dieting,” per say, but still immersed in a side of the wellness world that’s covertly restrictive.
I was constantly trying to eat less, so my body screamed for more.
She didn’t know when she would get more food, because mentally I was always striving for less less less.
Control control control…
Tighten tighten tighten…
… so of course, my body wanted to rebel.
To feel a release of tension.
When I started eating intuitively – allowing myself to eat whatever I want, whenever I want, while listening closely to my body’s responses – I was no longer scared of my hunger.
I “just ate” – that phrase that feels so tone deaf and frustrating when you’re struggling with food and your body…
I stopped yo-yo’ing with food…
My weight stabilized…
… and I healed my relationship with my body and food.
It all became easy and light, because I finally realized that hunger is healthy.
A strong appetite is a sign of good health…
… and it’s normal for your appetite to fluctuate throughout the month – especially if you’re a woman.
When you’ve fully unplugged from any type of restrictive mindset, hunger no longer feels like a problem.
Often, you begin eating less overall, because you’re never overeating or binging, since you never restrict in the first place (restricting is the main cause of overeating and binging).
You allow yourself to eat more some days, and less other days.
You trust yourself, rather than constantly questioning yourself.
You feel balanced, alive, and in love with your body, and you feel a healthy, loving connection with the food that nourishes you.
Do you ever get scared of your hunger, or have you in the past?
I’d love to hear your experience in the comments below.
This is such a big one.
Much love,