• Recent Client Wins & What It’s Like To Work With Me

    I am in awe of my clients. They are brilliant. They are winning in so many different ways. They are in it for the long game. They are committed to their growth. Two things I want to share today. 1. A couple recent client texts and wins. 2. Client reflections on what it’s like to […]


  • How To Approach Intuitive Eating

    Mariah Carey needs fried chicken and 12 vanilla protein shakes. Alicia Keys needs individual packets of Quaker Oats instant oatmeal and room temperature Evian water. Taylor Swift needs mac and cheese and two four-packs of Red Bull. … and these are just some highlights. Celebrity riders are extensive. Producers are busy. No one really has […]


  • The Heart of Intuitive Eating

    Intuitive eating is about listening to your body more than your brain. Your brain might say have a salad cause you had pizza yesterday, but that’s not actually what your body wants. Your brain might say have a burger so you look like the laid back woman who doesn’t stress about her body or food, […]