• My Zone of Genius

    I do not have it all figured out. I do not feel perfect 100% of the time. But there are some huge motherf*cking things I have conquered and healed. Restriction. Overeating. Binging. Purging. Self-judgment. Smallness. These are things I thought I might never overcome. I used to feel trapped in a prison of my own […]


  • The Big Piece Missing from the Self-Care Conversation

    Pleasure is fundamental to health, which is fundamental to life. So why are we still so hesitant to talk about it? Why is it so rarely included in self-care conversations? Activating our full range of sensation and satisfaction affects everything from fertility and virility to energy and mood. Personally, pleasure has always been a huge […]


  • What Happens When You’re Always Trying To Eat Less

    The advice I got growing up – from friends, family, and strangers – was to eat very little. Less less less. Control control control. Tighten tighten tighten. People were shocked when they saw how much I ate at times. They asked if I was pregnant. I was 16 years old, thin, and the only chance […]