• What I Ate Last Night & How I Feel Today

    Last night I ate… … a whole pizza (not vegan, gluten-free, or dairy-free), and then a medium ice cream cone (also filled with dairy and gluten) with chocolate and coffee gelato as I biked along the ocean at sunset. Not a binge. Eaten slowly and enjoyed fully.  I woke up today feeling rested, energized, and […]


  • Client Love: How Lauren Lost Weight Without Dieting

    Lauren texted me that she had just been to the doctor and he said she’d lost 10 pounds. When she came to me one of her goals was weight loss. BUT instead of automatically celebrating, I said “Ooooh. How do you feel about that?” Her response “Love it, so weird looking at the numbers.” Check […]


  • My Most Embarrassing Food Story

    10 years ago I was studying abroad in Florence, Italy, and loving life… only thing that wasn’t going so well: I was bulimic. From the outside I looked young, happy, and thin. All that was true, but I was struggling SO much mentally, and physically destroying my body by binging and purging all the time. […]