• Why Incomplete Self-Love Drains Your Energy

    The women’s magazines I used to read as a teenager had some twisted tips on self-love. They’d tell you to find a body part you love and emphasize it through your clothes, while hiding the areas you don’t like. You’d hear women talking about how they finally discovered they LOVE their ankles, or their collarbone… […]


  • Getting Your Energy + Metabolism Back

    If you’re ready to reconnect with your natural energy source and get your metabolism back, ACTIVATE is open for enrollment. This is my private health coaching program where you… Break the diet cycle through intuitive eating. Develop unconditional self-love and self-trust. Get your metabolism back by remineralizing your body. Reclaim your energy through customized nutrition. […]


  • Why You Feel Flat and Depleted

    We’re taught to demand everything of our bodies and give ourselves very little. Even if you had amazing hippy parents who taught you to listen to your body and honor your sleep cycles, most of us experienced some version of this from a young age… Drag yourself out of bed at 7am and sit in […]