• Journal Entry On 5 Years in Business As a Health Coach and Copywriter

    It’s my 5-year business anniversary. 5 years of working only for myself, on my own terms. 5 years of facing some of my greatest fears, and watching them dissolve (s-l-o-w-l-y lol) under my gaze. 5 years of trading my skills and experience to fuel an incredible life, and to serve the people who want my […]


  • The Power of Permission

    Giving yourself permission to rest as much as you need to often removes the desire for excessive sleep or “laziness.” Giving yourself permission to eat whatever you want, in any amount you want, often removes the desire to overeat or eat foods that don’t work for your body. Giving yourself permission to do nothing often […]


  • How To Stop Binge Eating At Night

    When I was 23, I wrote an article for Mind Body Green called How To Stop Binge Eating Late At Night. My first two clients found me through that article, and to this day, 10 years later, the topic of that article is one of the most common themes in my coaching practice: Women come […]